Consulting Services from Consul Tec, Inc. (CTI)
CTI provides a wide range of consulting services including General Business Sales & Marketing, Computer Software Programming with product implementation, and Product Distribution consulting.
More recently (years 2010-2018), CTI provided information to accredited investors looking to recover some or all of their their income taxes paid the to government through the use of tax advantaged investments (e.g., Oil & Gas Partnerships).
CONSUL TEC, INC. (CTI), was formed as Consulting Technologies by John L. Eilertsen (Executive Portfolio).
Prior to beginning his company, Mr. Eilertsen was employed with the Ford Motor Company where he received his engineering and management experience in several key areas of the company such as: Product Engineering Office; Computer Engineering; Marketing Operations; Product Development; Car Product Planning; Customer Service Division; and the Diversified Products Operation.
Consulting Technologies was incorporated under the name of CONSUL TEC, INC. After approximately three years, the company entered the marketplace as a distributor of computer oriented software and related hardware products in the area of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). During this time-frame CTI began to manufacture its own software for sale and distribution, a determination was made to do business under the name "CTI Communications" a division of Consul Tec,
The company provides a very wide variety of general business consulting.
The service can be an in-depth multi year marketing analysis for a company the size of General Motors or a simple market research questionnaire for a new company just entering business.
In the past, CTI has provided support for numerous organizations to investigate, develop and implement product and market programs from the idea stage to the finished product. Our expertise covers:
New Product Programs
• Creative Merchandising Strategies
• Productivity Improvements
• Cost/Price/Profit/Studies
• Short/Long Term Strategic Planning
• Complexity Reduction Programs
• Market Research Studies
• Cost Reductions
• Product Financial Analyses
If you have any needs you would like to discuss, feel free to contact John Eilertsen directly at 201-563-7800 or fill in the "Contact Us" form at the top of this screen and he will call you. The chat will be at no cost to you and might lead to some surprising financial benefits.
While programming has been generally restricted to data communications oriented programming, CTI has provided a wide range of special programming to several companies including Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Fiat-Chrysler, Corporation, IDP Systems, INGERSOLL, GE (CXS) and others.
Our programmers can handle most program languages such as Java, HTTP, C, C++, Assembler, and Prolog, to name a few.
CTI's systems analysis experience helped establish the Automotive industry's first computerized parts release system; the industries first "Computer Engineered Ride" program; and a Critical Path/PERT program timing system.
CTI became a master software distributor for micro-to-mainframe data communications products (essentially IBM’s protocols and LAN Gateways).
Since 1990, the company has supplied its own software and related hardware products to several corporations, governmental agencies, banks, hotel chains, insurance companies, as well as most of the software houses who provide Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) including Automotive Release Accounting and Advance Ship Notice capabilities between the OEM's and their supplier base.
In this distribution activity, CTI developed dozens of Value Added Resellers and Dealers and thus can provide appropriate consulting in this particular area of business.
Along this same line, CTI introduced it’s own high-speed version of IBM’s BSC protocol software which was oriented to high-speed line and page printers.
The package was tested, approved and purchased by Northern Telecom and others for use with Data Products line printers. When a 3rd generation package, called FastSync®, was introduced it became an immediate "hit" with several software houses specializing in different market niches such as electronic filing of income tax returns to the IRS, and certain banking oriented software houses. For a sample of companies using CTI's software Click Here.
We are no longer active in Engineering consulting, but in the past it was normally restricted to R&D in the specific field of specialized and patented fast acting, high force, controllable position sensing solenoid actuators using a special type of patented solenoids, (called Multinoid™ actuators). Applications included various Electronic controlled EGR valves, Electronic Power Steering and Power Brakes, Power Door Locks, Power Hand Brakes, Automatic Transmissions, and Electro-hydraulic valve actuation, to name a few.
Examples of Business Accomplishments
[specifically those belonging to John Eilertsen]
• Formulated and organized a distribution plan to market a small service-based company’s software and hardware product lines. Immediately establishing 50 US-based dealers, numerous VAR’s, and a European distributor with a negligible $10,000 investment. The company’s first-year sales reached $883,416. Sales rose steadily thereafter, and by the 5th year were at $2,406,021, a 172% increase. The company maintained high profit margins
• Developed and introduced three new major product lines into a division of a large Fortune 500 company where market segment penetration had seriously deteriorated due to internal labor disputes. After introducing programs covering marketing, engineering, manufacturing, financial, and other key factors and considerations, Unified workers and re-established efficient operations. The result was product lines providing the division with a seven-percentage point gain in market segment penetration and an incremental profit of $175.1M.
• Acted as Interim President and CEO for an emerging software company with flagging sales and high debt, it took just 6 months post-consult and zero cash infusion to get the company out of debt and yielding good sales and profits. During the next 12 months the company generated nearly $2M dollars in incremental sales, a 900% increase over original figures. It brought in nearly $4M dollars the second year, and by the 4th year was acquired by a large Value Added Network corporation.
• Turned around a failing Third World emerging market operation by evaluating, determining and implementing a new product entry plan that increased company profits by more than $32M US dollars on an annual incremental basis.
• Established a Complexity Reduction Program to correct an international multi-plant bottleneck brought on by the introduction of hundreds of new unique part assemblies. The existing facilities could neither be altered without incurring costly tooling alterations, nor any new facilities constructed in time to meet production deadlines. As a result of the implemented program a net savings of 20% was established, and the company has now realized over $130M in savings from direct and indirect labor, inventory, floor space, and paperwork reductions.
• Organized and developed a major 8-hour slide presentation on the Development of a Modern Product, presented to the People's Republic of China in Beijing at a major Technical Seminar. In-depth detail was provided as to how a major U.S. multi-national corporation plans and engineers a key new product from the "Idea" stage, through the "Development" stage to the public "Introduction" stage covering a typical five-year product program.
The actual presentation was heavily oriented and detailed in the areas of product, marketing, engineering and manufacturing. The scope, quality, and depth of the presentation resulted in the establishment of a multi-million dollar trade agreement between China and the company.
• Spearheaded a program to introduce special high luster aluminum moldings to all Ford company car lines, providing the combined benefit of improved appearance, significantly reduced warranty costs, and company savings of $0.5M. Also proposed a $272M dollar profit opportunity 5 years ahead of its time in the form of a factory-installed 2-way radio option.
• On the research and problem-solving end, engineered a highly effective global Noise Control Solution to satisfy international regulations and promote company goodwill. And, resolved a problem related to low horsepower on the company’s global 4 cylinder models by increasing net output 10% while simultaneously achieving piece cost savings of $22.6M.
• Established a Complexity Reduction Program that saved the company $20.4M dollars in direct and indirect labor costs while improving inventory, plant automation and quality control functions.
• Investigated and adopted of an innovative rotary fuel pump design cut production costs on an in-line fuel injection pump by $45 per unit while boosting supply to satisfy demand.
• Provided expertise for the automotive industry’s first computer-coded release system for the Chasse Engineering activity which resulted in $8.7M dollar annual savings and led to corporate wide use in all other engineering activities.
• Increased profits by 48% in one year through formation of a product-planning group to develop and merchandise new Rotunda products to Ford and After Market dealerships. Boosted dealership profits through a comprehensive strategy derived from historical and cost-price-profit analyses to reveal profitable accessory lines and dispose of unproductive ones. Also, investigated and produced a comprehensive ten-year Option Business Review to suggest new high potential options that would generate $82.6M in annual incremental profits for the Corporation.
• Creatively, pioneered the automotive industry’s Computer Engineered Ride system, automating the selection of front suspension components to produce substantial reductions in Engineering labor costs and workload demands. Also developed a sophisticated computerized critical path tracking system to improve production cycles and time-to-market, as well as reduce cost penalties incurred from last minute modifications.
• Designed, developed, and presented to corporate management an innovative remote car starting device featuring automatic warming and cooling features to promote passenger seasonal comfort.
• Served as the liaison between Engineering, Marketing and Financial operations, synchronizing functions to activate new programs and features, including new products, expense reductions, warranty improvements and related initiatives.
About John Eilertsen, CTI's Chief Consultant
Prior to his work with Ford, John had served as Systems Analyst and Sales Representative for the Standard Register Company of Dayton Ohio, in their Detroit District Sales Office. Within his first year, John received the President’s "Salesman of the Year" award.
John regards himself as a seasoned "doer" combining technical and entrepreneurial business orientation with the necessary "people skills" to organize resources for the accomplishment of goals. With a track record of demonstrated executive abilities and profit-oriented results, he is at his best undertaking P&L responsibilities in a results focused environment.
John holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Detroit, supplemented by significant Graduate coursework in Business Administration. Further coursework included credits from the University of Wisconsin’s Engineering Extension Center and several Kepner-Tregoe courses.
He is a veteran of the United States Air Force, and currently lives with his wife in Reading, PA.